This is where I look at the form as well as function of a product in order to optimize its performance. Specifically looking at its appearance and importantly it's usability. Generally speaking this is done before design for manufacture, however, with a strong manufacturing background I will always consider these two areas at the same time.
At this stage freehand sketching, whether its simple biro or marker, helps explored explore initial quickly. Here I am constantly thinking of how each pen stroke is likely to be manufactured, trying to ensure that any ideas presented to a client have already had manufacture considered. .
Along with sketching I also use 3d cad renders for visualisations. These run hand in hand with the mechanical design process. Referring to sketches and the mechanical needs and restrictions, basic 3d cad models can be produced. These are not yet fully formed designs but can show, with some level of certainty, the final direction that a product may take
With over 30 years engineering experience covering all aspects including design, manufacture, production and maintenance I am ideally qualified to help with your next project.
I have a strong hands on approach to problem solving and design thanks to a toolmaking apprenticeship plus time working as a field based installations engineer in the print and packaging industry. During my career I have gained essential skills in the design and production of precision components.
Being at the sharp end of manufacturing throughout my career has taught me the importance of good design. Ensuring that from day one products are designed for ease of manufacture, assembly and importantly making them easy to service and maintain. Every step saving time and money.
For many projects I can also produce and test prototypes and even help with limited number production runs. As well as my own facilities, I have several engineering partners who I work with on various projects enabling me to provide a complete solution.
Dave Clark Designs